Original image by There Stands the Glass.
I was disappointed when an elegant forty-year-old woman walked into Polsky Theatre on Monday, March 3. Prior to her entrance, I was a contender for the youngest person in the audience of about 125. The piano duo of Jeffrey and Karen Savage performed impressionist works by composers including Claude Debussy and Isaac Albéniz at the free noon recital using the unfortunate moniker 88 Squared. As the youngest person in the room busied herself with a to-do list, a few geezers seated near me napped. I’m not mocking them- I aspire to their refusal to stay home in their eighties. A transcription of a slightly dissonant composition by the Savages’ UMKC colleague Sean Chen was balanced by an unsuitable medley of songs from The Wizard of Oz. Only then did I feel as if I were confined to a dreary nursing home.