Jonah Jones

Phonograph Blues

Original image by There Stands the Glass.

After setting aside favorite albums by the likes of Elton John and Dionne Warwick, a nonagenarian generously bequeathed the remainder of what he calls his collection of “phonograph records” to me a few days ago. The allotment provided me with insights into his generation. For instance, I’d always wondered about the origin of the gazillions of Jonah Jones albums clogging record star dollar bins. And I’m impressed that he and his peers bought lots of serious and  crossover classical releases. The best of the batch, however, is a result of regionalism. Based on autograph inscriptions, it’s clear that attendance of performances led to purchases of albums by area mainstays like Marilyn Maye, Jay McShann and Lee Stoneking. I’m honored to make a place for these phonographs in my home.